Monday, July 18, 2011

things have changed for me

my life is way different from 3 months ago. i made a major decision to change the way my life was going because i didn't enjoy it any more. back then i made life choices based on what others thought of me... now i make them based on what makes me happy. i'm not sure who i am, or where in the world i'm going, but i've never been happier. i smile, and i mean it. i laugh, and it's genuine. i've lost a few friends, but gained real ones. ones that i don't have to please. one's that i can be Molly around. i am so free.

the biggest change i've made in my life is my religion.
i have not been to church in months.
i had so much i had to prove to those people, and now i don't.
i still believe in God. i still know my life is not mine but Christ's.

i am so happy, and if people don't accept that, then i'm sure they can control someone else.

love, mb

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I really hate my life right now.

I want si badly for it to end.
School stresses me out and i'm giving up on everyone.
Nothing is worth this anymore.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Eight.

A picture that makes you laugh.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Seven.

Your most treasured items.

I had to pick 3. Yeesh.

My car.

My reinvent love necklace.

My iPhone 4.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Six.

Someone you would love to trtade places with for a day.

I'm freaking crazy. But honestly, i'd rather stick with me.

Day Five

A picture of your favorite memory.
Pathetic, I know but almost all of my favorite and worst memories have to do with you.